
What do I need to bring to my medical marijuana evaluation?
You will need to bring your New York State Drivers  License or  NY Noin Drivers ID card and proof of your medical condition. Examples of proof of your medical condition include medical records, prescription bottles, prescription history, X-rays, MRI’s, or any other documentation that verifies you have been to a doctor and diagnosed with a medical condition that can benefit from using medical marijuana.

Please be prepared to show your identification when you arrive to the office and asked the following questions in succession:

  1. Are you a new patient or renewal?
  2. Do you have your NY State Driver’s License or  Non Drivers Identification Card?
  3. Did you bring any medical records or prescription medications with you to the appointment?

How Do Patients Qualify to be Part of the Program?

•Must be resident of NY or is being treated in NY.

•Must be being treated in NY for the condition for which you are seeking medical marijuana.

•Must be certified by a NY physician who has registered with DOH to recommend medical marijuana (means that the doctor has completed a 2-4 hour training course and filed pipework with the DOH).

•Must be under that doctor’s care for the condition for which you are seeking medical marijuana

•Your doctor must believe and be willing to certify that you will receive some therapeutic or palliative benefit from medical marijuana.

•Must have a “serious condition,” as defined by the law.

•Must obtain a registry identification card from the Department of Health (DOH) and carry their patient registry card at all times that they are in possession of medical marijuana.

•A serious condition is defined as: “having one of the following severe debilitating or life- threatening conditions: cancer, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, damage to the nervous tissue of the spinal cord with objective neurological indication or intractable spasticity, epilepsy, inflammatory bowel disease, neuropathies, Huntington’s disease, or as added by the commissioner; and (ii) any of the following conditions where it is clinically associated with, or a complication of, a condition under this paragraph or its treatment: cachexia or wasting syndrome; severe or chronic pain; severe nausea; seizures; severe or persistent muscle spasms; or such conditions as are added by the commissioner.”

•Conditions that must be considered by the Commissioner for inclusion in 18 months (January 2016): Alzheimer’s, muscular dystrophy, dystonia, post-traumatic stress disorder and rheumatoid arthritis.

•Any other condition can be added by the Commissioner at any time